Mingw Mac Download

  1. Mingw Mac Download
  2. Mingw Make Download

Building native libraries for Windows (using mingw-w64) and linux is done in one unified. To another is not working: the udev rules see the new MAC address and fail to connect to it. Start MinGW-W64-install.exe (choose Architecture x8664). After mingw64 is installed. Mingw-w64 is an advancement of the original mingw.org project, created to support the GCC compiler on Windows systems. It has forked it in 2007 in order to provide support for 64 bits and new APIs. It has since then gained widespread use and distribution. Download MinGW now Note. MinGW 6.3 C/C (Distributor: mingw-w64) Download Now. Available at no charge. Notes for the Mac Platform. Fortran compilers are supported with Simulink only for creating Simulink S-functions using the MATLAB MEX command. Download C Compiler for PC to install on Windows 10, 8, 7 32bit/64bit, even Mac. Free mingw 64 bit windows 10 download. Development Tools downloads - MinGW by MinGW and many more programs are available for instant and free download.

The heart of the Mingw-w64 project is headers and support libraries torun the output of GCC on Windows. Since Mingw-w64 is neither the home ofGCC nor of binutils, several sets of installation packages which combinethem are available.

In addition, the sources are available but most people will want to grabbinaries directly.

Pre-built toolchains and packages

Version Host GCC / Mingw-w64 Version Languages Additional Software in Package Manager

Arch Linux
Arch Linux 11.2.0/9.0.0Ada, C, C++, Fortran, Obj-C, Obj-C++ many

RollingWindows5.4.0/5.0.2 Ada, C, C++, Fortran, Obj-C 5 (bzip2, libgcrypt, libgpg-error, minizip, xz, zlib)

Debian 7 (Wheezy) 4.6.3/2.0.3 Ada, C, C++, Fortran, Obj-C, Obj-C++, OCaml 2 (gdb, nsis)
Debian 8 (Jessie) 4.9.1/3.2.0
Debian 9 (Stretch) 6.3.0/5.0.0 9 (gdb, libassuan, libgcrypt, libgpg-error, libksba, libnpth, nsis, win-iconv, zlib)
Debian 10 (Buster) 8.3.0/6.0.0

Fedora 19 4.8.1/? Ada, C, C++, Fortran, Obj-C, Obj-C++ 149+
LLVM-MinGW20210423Windows, LinuxLLVM 12.0.0/trunkC, C++make

Rolling macOS8.2.0/5.0.4C, C++, Fortran, Obj-C, Obj-C++ 1 (nsis)
MingW-W64-buildsRolling Windows7.2.0/5.0.3 C, C++, Fortran 4 (gdb, libiconf, python, zlib)

Rolling Windows9.2.0/trunkAda, C, C++, Fortran, Obj-C, Obj-C++, OCaml many

12.04 Precise Pangolin 4.6.3/2.0.1 Ada, C, C++, Fortran, Obj-C, Obj-C++, OCaml 2 (nsis, gdb)
14.04 Trusty Tahr 4.8.2/3.1.0
14.10 Utopic Unicorn 4.9.1/3.1.0
15.04 Vivid Vervet 4.9.2/3.2.0
15.10 Wily Werewolf 4.9.2/4.0.2
16.04 Xenial Xerus 5.3.1/4.0.4 3 (nsis, gdb, zlib)

1.5 Windows, Linux4.8.3/3.3.0 C, C++ 91+

Arch Linux



Installation: through integrated package manager.


Cygwin is a Unix-like environment and command-lineinterface for Microsoft Windows. Its core is the cygwin1.dll library whichprovides POSIX functionality on top of the Win32 API. It can be used as a buildenvironment which targets Windows directly and for which output doesn't dependon cygwin1.dll.

Installation is done through cygwin's package manager:setup.exe.

As part of the numerous packages in cygwin, there are cross-compilationtoolchains which target both 32 bits and 64 bits; their names start with“mingw64-”.

Once they are installed, they should be used according to the generalcross-compilation approach.


Installation: through integrated package manager.


Installation: through integrated package manager.


LLVM-MinGW is a toolchain built with Clang, LLD, libc++, targetingi686, x86_64, arm and aarch64 (ARM64), with releases both for runningas a cross compiler from Linux and for running on Windows. It supportsAddress Sanitizer, Undefined Behaviour Sanitizer, and generating debuginfo in PDB format.

Installation: GitHub


To install just the 32-bit or just 64-bit compiler with dependencies, use:

A shortcut to install both:

Here is the list of Mingw-w64 packages on MacPorts.


Installation: Sourceforge


Installation: GitHub


Win-builds is a cross-platform project that makes building for Windows easy. Itsupports building from both Windows and Linux systems and provides manypre-built libraries which can be installed through a graphical package manager.

It aims for stability while still providing recent versions of softwarepackages.

Installation: http://win-builds.org.


Tarballs for the mingw-w64 sources are hosted onSourceForge.The latest version from the 6.x series is 6.0.0.The latest version from the 5.x series is 5.0.4.The latest version from the 4.x series is 4.0.6.The latest version from the 3.x series is 3.3.0.Winpthreads has been merged into the main tarball as of 3.1.0.

The old wiki has instructions for buildingnativeandcrosstoolchains.


Details on how to get the mingw-w64 code from Git and an Git-web viewer areavailable onSourceForge.

Unsorted complementary list

Darwin/Mac OS X

The existing Darwin binaries have been built through buildbot in 2013 and linksto them can be found on the dedicatedpage.


The OpenSUSE Linuxdistribution also has alarge and well-maintained set of packages for cross-compilation. How to download utorrent windows 10.


Rubenvb has built a number of toolchains including some for less common setups.They are split into two categories: toolchains targetingWin32orWin64.

GCC with the MCF thread model

GCC with the MCF thread model is a series of x86and x64 native toolchains built by LH_Mouse. The MCF thread model involves themcfgthread library to provide minimumyet complete C++11 thread support. Disregarding POSIX or Windows XPcompatibility, it implements (hopefully the most) efficient mutexes andcondition variables that are competitive with even native slim reader/write(SRW) locks and condition variables since Windows Vista.

Store of binaries on SourceForge

A very large number of other binaries and sources are hosted in the FileRelease System on Sourceforge whichmight have what you are after.

Mingw-w64 is an advancement of the original mingw.org project, created tosupport the GCC compiler on Windows systems. It has forked it in 2007 in orderto provide support for 64 bits and new APIs. It has since then gained widespreaduse and distribution.

The development and community are very active and welcoming with newcontributors every month and simple installers.

Headers, Libraries and Runtime

Mingw Mac Download

  • More than a million lines of headers are provided, not counting generated ones, and regularly expanded to track new Windows APIs.
  • Everything needed for linking and running your code on Windows.
  • Winpthreads, a pthreads library for C++11 threading support and simple integration with existing project.
  • Winstorecompat, a work-in-progress convenience library that eases conformance with the Windows Store.
  • Better-conforming and faster math support compared to VisualStudio's.


  • gendef: generate Visual Studio .def files from .dll files.
  • genidl: generate .idl files from .dll files.
  • widl: compile .idl files.

Friend projects

Mingw-w64 interacts a lot with other projects in order to help everyone moveforward. Contributions have been going to and coming from these projects:




Mingw Make Download

Some Projects using Mingw-w64