Crazy Machines Mac Download

We're now downloading Dropbox. When your download is complete, run the Dropbox installer. Genre: Puzzle Brain-teaser. Crazy Machines is an extremely entertaining puzzle game where you have to construct various mechanisms. The game features incredibly realistic physics and admirable graphics. You can use more than 200 elements to make your inventions work. Can you create a perpetual motion machine?

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Crazy Machines 3 MAC Download Free (MacBook)

Release Date: 2016
Platforms: PC
Developer: FAKT Software
Publisher: Daedalic Entertainment
Genre: Puzzle, Simulation

On this page you can download Crazy Machines 3 on PC for free via torrent. Also here you can find all basic information about this game, including a brief description, release date, screenshots, and etc. This game was created in the genre of Puzzle. If you like this genre, we highly recommend you to try this new game.

About This Game:

Crazy Machines 3 is the latest, greatest, most amazing and craziest part of the series and fascinates once more with physic-based puzzles. Use physical systems to your advantage, no matter if it’s electricity, explosions, lasers, lightning, or wind. By tinkering with chips you can provide objects with individual properties, like floating, rotation or weight. Nothing is impossible. If you don’t like that wooden plank, take your pick from 15 different materials and millions of colors. It is, after all, your own machine…


— Hyper-realistic simulation of physical formulas and effects
— Creativity meets freedom: create and experiment
— Extensive and powerful editor for creating own machine parts
— Steam Workshop access for unlimited supply of parts and levels.


    > >
  1. The Incredible Machine
4.42 / 5 - 483 votes

Description of The Incredible Machine

Undoubtedly one of the most unique games ever produced for the PC, The Incredible Machines 1 is a dream come true for anyone who as a child likes to tinker with gadgets and toys.

It is a puzzle game par excellence and beyond: you have to use wacky gadgets and tools given for each level to accomplish objectives. Puzzles start out relaxing and get fiendish very quickly, as later levels require not only ingenuity but also precise timing. A true classic.

Review By HOTUD

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Comments and reviews

POOPIE2021-08-03-1 point


Frank2021-07-13-2 points

how can I run it in windows 10..?? Cant run it!

Firstfloyd2021-05-070 point

A timeless beautiful game to pass the time

Luk2021-01-310 point

This is such a great game to power the problem solving. I love it!!! and its just 500kb....genius

Wayne2020-12-090 point

Great DOS rom. Another hit by Sierra!

Testy McTestface2020-07-03-1 point

WIWI - Yes it will run in Linux - just use DosBox.

wiwi2020-03-21-8 points

Hiya. Does this game run on Linux? I had many older games that i tried running on faster processors that I used before and they like, this one game you fly this small racer yet and you go like 10kmphr and there it went like uber and you hit goal in 1sec lol

planchetflaw2019-12-161 point

When the manual is more than 14x the size of the game.

Hal2019-08-09-2 points

Wasn't there a game like tbis, but used sticks, vines and rocks?

triviaquestions4u2019-05-21-10 points

It's look like very difficult game, i am in searching of game like this( the game must be similar to this.

onebox402019-04-081 point

Download this before GOG buys-up the copyright.

qweasd2019-01-180 point

Excellent i loved this gameand sund it now. thanks BALDY_OLD_FART for the tip on how to install

phrozen2018-07-122 points

A great puzzle masterpiece by Sierra.

fertilogue2018-02-041 point

fantastic guys well done

pccoma2017-09-052 points

to get dosbox to run you haftto type 'mount c c:{the directory of the file} press enter then type c: enter and type the file application name not dir it just gives you info about the virtual drive you mounted

DosGod2017-08-150 point

Type 'Dir' to view the files available. One of the files ending in .EXE or .COM or .BAT will start the game. It is not necessary to type the extension of the file. For example: INDY.EXE would become 'indy' and then you press enter to start the game. Check for README or SETUP as well, if you are having trouble. Files ending in .TXT can be opened in windows easily, or through dosbox with 'TYPE README.TXT' or whatever your file is called. In this case, you do need the extension '.TXT' just typing 'type readme' wouldn't work if the full file name is 'readme.txt'

Heavenlyberi2017-06-13-64 points

Will this run on windows 10?

Crazy Machines Mac Download Full

Van2017-03-17-14 points

How do you run this game? what eight lettered code do we put in to DOSbox

KAT2017-02-130 point

i'm using dosbox, and this game runs without flaws.
brilliant :)

Moonyman2132016-10-060 point

For those running NT-based systems like Vista or 7, DOSBox works like a charm!
You only have to find the way around to running the install file of T.I.M.

Random2016-07-231 point

I completely forgot I played this as a kid. Quite a nice nostalgic surprise.

gon2016-02-280 point

excellent i loved this game and found it now. thanks BALDY_OLD_FART for the tip on how to install

HCL2015-10-15-8 points

Want this game?, get the Incredible Machine MegaPack from for just $9.99, it comes with the DOS emulator and installs very easy.

Groucho 19552015-10-09-9 points

I wish it worked on Windows 7 or Mac...

sean2472015-09-122 points

this game brings back memorys when i was really young was my favorite game to play at the time and also doom on windows 95 glad i can still mess around in free mode :)

MissOwlEyes2015-08-200 point


Nik2015-05-312 points DOS version

Ahh the memories. Has nice bgm.

LVL2015-05-240 point DOS version

One off the best games

Rodolp2015-05-010 point DOS version


khang2015-03-13-1 point DOS version

OMG this game is the best but i like the even more incredible machine cuz it have some more stuff from the incredible machine me get the incredible machine by comment me ok,i will check

Baldy_Old_Fart2014-09-070 point DOS version

READ THE HOW TO PLAY ABANDONWARES just below the 'Send Comment' Button - It will send you to:
Where you will discover that DOS Games DO NOT RUN IN WINDOWS! - You MUST have a DOS Emulator such as DOSBOX - which is linked to from the page above.

ynot2014-08-23-5 points DOS version


me 2

9gagger2014-08-21-3 points DOS version

Me too!

rainbow2014-08-21-4 points DOS version

i came here because of 9gag

Sky_Walker2014-08-19-1 point DOS version

The most awesome game ever!

win8er2014-08-17-5 points DOS version

Doesn't work for Win8 :(

watermelon502014-08-07-1 point DOS version

nice, works for xp sp3

Eugene2014-07-100 point DOS version

This game now has a modern succesor ContraptionMaker

chino arg2014-05-110 point DOS version

el mejor juego

nasos2014-05-040 point DOS version

i love this ghame

doll2014-04-260 point DOS version


tarzan2014-04-260 point DOS version


alti2014-04-180 point DOS version

Fantastico e pazzesco

Tui2014-04-040 point DOS version

So good

nervusss2013-08-010 point DOS version


hola2013-02-020 point DOS version

ok goood

bigbluewolf2012-09-280 point DOS version

wow this game is a blast frum the past that i had forgotin all about ....mmmm good times (install went clean 4 me,runs good2)

tobias2012-09-010 point DOS version

como hago para descargarlo

Crazy Machines Mac Download

poopoo2012-01-18-2 points DOS version

yea i cant instell it althou i know it from a long time ago

byron2010-05-221 point DOS version

how do i install it :(

Sammy372009-01-120 point DOS version

#$%^ yeh TIM, what a mad knt of a game. hot

Billy Mays2008-10-280 point DOS version

I remember we used to play this for 'educational purposes' in my 3rd grade keyboarding class. The title has escaped my mine ever since. Internet lol, lol internet.

JMaster2008-03-250 point DOS version

Wow, I cant believe this game is on here. This game came free with one of my first computers. Ive tried finding it years ago but no one has heard of it. From what i remember this game was cool.

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Download The Incredible Machine

We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentations when possible. If the manual is missing and you own the original manual, please contact us!

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DOS Version

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